Life from an outsider's perspective…

Should I split my blog?

Blog Cartoon: becoming a famous blogger.I’ve been umming and ahhing over the past five or six months about whether I should bisect this blog or not. As the number of categories has recently grown, the articles have since shifted away from the original cycling theme (in line with the main page) to more profound & controversial articles.

I propose splitting the blog into two roughly equal halves: 

1) Ride the Volcano!, Learning Curve, That’s Business, Lucky Dip, Sales Pitch, Spoke Bed, Inspiration, News Reel. I’m not really sure where Island Life fits best. This is where all the cycling articles go.

2) Mental Anguish, Vida Enigmática and Science Simplified. This is where I can speak my mind without jepardising anything.

I actually already bought a separate domain name (although that was more to check out how smooothly the latest wordpress software upgrade works). I’m really not sure if I have the committment to author a second blog. What do my readers think?


One Response to “Should I split my blog?”

  1. Just wanted to say that I have decided to split the blog. All of the interesting non-bike stuff will soon be found over on this website:


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